Thursday, December 20, 2018

 Image result for ketchup
Why does it always seem that Wasaga Beach is languishing? (not that that's true)
The one thing we keep doing over and over is to look what other communities "have" done. Then we try to emulate that!
This is not forward thinking and leads us into a "Game of Ketchup".

Growth has been phenomenal in Wasaga, but most of that has been controlled by what is know as "cheque book planning".

Wasaga Beach started out on the cutting edge over a hundred years ago, by moving from a resource based economy (lumber) to the infancy recreational tourism industry.

We need to get back on that cutting edge. If we are going to reinvent ourselves yet again, let's look to the newest ideas just moving out of their infancy.
This idea ;  

Degrowth: the Radical (Re)Action Needed to Avoid Total Economic and Environmental Collapse

  • 07:00 - 20 December, 2018
  • by Rory Stott  
  • is one of those ideas.
"the concept of “degrowth,” a growing movement to overturn our economic assumptions and establish a managed contraction of our economies and resource consumption, with the eventual goal that society will become calmer, less focused on productivity, and more focused on quality of life. And, as they see it, the architects of this retooled society could be—well, architects."

The interview is a 10 minute read, but well worth it. You may gain some tools to help pollish your own ideas.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Canada's Tourism Vision - Canada's Tourism Vision

I hope Wasaga Beach keeps it's vision to the future. All signs lead towards a long and fruitful economy rising with a growing world wide tourism movement.
Are we aligning ourselves with Provincial and Federal initiative?
Have a read! ;

Canada's Tourism Vision - Canada's Tourism Vision

Thursday, December 6, 2018

I was disappointed this year that I did not see any fireflies. I worry that in an attempt to "urbanize" our population, we are creating an "industrialization" of our rural lands. Whether it's large scale factory farming or resource extraction, we have been killing things at an alarming rate with out practices and insatiable wants. 
Everyone recognizes  the loss of our larger more obvious, furry or cute creatures, but the loss of worms, bugs, flying insects, crawly things and even lowly microbes, by the ton, is ten times greater. Those little creatures are the basis for the whole system.

Here in Wasaga Beach, there is a push for more intensive urbanization, improved infrastructure like concrete curbs, sidewalk and buried storm sewers.
This all takes a lot of concrete and aggregate. I took part in the fight against the "mega quarry" just south of us a few years back.
I look at the legislation that pushes and promotes urbanization, only to read, hidden in the middle, that most of the so called protection of our environment is really little more than protection for the "right of extraction" on our all ready overused natural resources.

An excerpt from the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement
2.3.6 Non-Agricultural Uses in Prime Agricultural Areas Planning authorities may only permit non-agricultural uses in prime agricultural areas for: a) extraction of minerals, petroleum resources and mineral aggregate resources, in accordance with policies 2.4 and 2.5; or PROVINCIAL POLICY STATEMENT 26 b) limited non-residential uses, provided that all of the following are demonstrated: 1. the land does not comprise a specialty crop area; 2. the proposed use complies with the minimum distance separation formulae; 3. there is an identified need within the planning horizon provided for in policy 1.1.2 for additional land to be designated to accommodate the proposed use; and 4. alternative locations have been evaluated, and i. there are no reasonable alternative locations which avoid prime agricultural areas; and ii. there are no reasonable alternative locations in prime agricultural areas with lower priority agricultural lands. Impacts from any new or expanding non-agricultural uses on surrounding agricultural operations and lands are to be mitigated to the extent feasible.
2.5.2 Protection of Long-Term Resource Supply As much of the mineral aggregate resources as is realistically possible shall be made available as close to markets as possible. Demonstration of need for mineral aggregate resources, including any type of supply/demand analysis, shall not be required, notwithstanding the availability, designation or licensing for extraction of mineral aggregate resources locally or elsewhere.

When you read the whole thing, it pretty well leaves it up to the discretion of the Corporation, doing the extraction as to what is reasonable and feasible.

The older style family farm or large lot suburban and rural communities, actual did sustain a much greater diversity of wild life, including those tiny creatures. There was no vast mono-culture, that striped the land of almost everything. People are creatures, living things and part of nature. We belong to the land. When we understand and respect that, then we are also the best stewards of the land.

While we 'chew' on those thoughts here are a couple of articles well worth having a good look at!

How the Growth of Monoculture Crops Is Destroying our Planet and Still Leaving us Hungry

Half of Canada's wildlife species are in decline, WWF finds

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Are we back to Condo dreams already?

A post about the future of Wasaga yesterday, was an “I’m throwing in the towel” rant. It seemed to support the notion that our tourism industry is no longer important and condo development is the future of our town. ( Wed 2;52
“The slightly sleazy, ‘party-on’ beachfront must die. Nobody will retire to the area as it is now. The area must be gentrified.” was a quote from that post.

So here's my rant....
To start with, there have been condo dreams for the beach for over 20 years, and all they did directly or indirectly lead to the destruction and neglect of existing buildings a facilities. Do not bull doze any thing else, till we build something new first or we will end up with nothing.
Secondly, the term “Gentrification” while it has been whitewashed by it’s proponents, is deeply rooted in the classist and racist ideology of the Gentry or so called Noble class of the wealthy aristocrats. It would of course preclude the Government mandate for the urbanization to include low income housing and facilities for the less fortunate. When the Park was created, the statement was made by the government that the Beaches are being preserved for the recreation uses of all of Ontario, so we have to get over the notion that it belongs to us! It does not. It belongs to the whole population of Canada.
I think we need a dose of realism.
First many of the residences here are secondary homes for empty nesters or retirement homes for snowbirds.
No amount of growth will help support year round business if in continues on this path.
So that leaves us with summer tourism.
Big problem is, as many say, they are day trippers and don’t spend any money.
Why is that?
We did it. Since the late 60’s there has been a steady decline in the amount of overnight accommodation along our beaches.
We had a real estate boom all across Canada then. More and more people saw an opportunity to make a fast profit in that game. Wasaga had cheap land and became a target.
We also had the bad habit of electing real estate agents and brokers to our council that had an obvious bias in favour of redevelopment.
They intern, for some strange reason invited the province to come in and take over control of the beach fronts.
Ontario Parks then set about to expropriate and tear down another estimated 30% of our overnight accommodations.
But then we had a little boom in our cottage industry, and land was carved up and sold to build weekend cottages.
That helped turn around our tourism. People came up, often stayed for a week or 2 and spent money.
They also invited family and friends to do the same.
So much so, that the remaining cottage courts and motels were starting to feel the competition. Some took the easy road and sold out to wealthy people to build big waterfront homes. Others quietly chewed on the ears of our local politicians and they used the nuisance complaints as an excuse to regulate private weekend rentals.
That only lead to a further decline in our overnight or week long visitations of tourist.
Now we want our complaint of “day trippers” to become a full reality by allowing the conversion of all of our remaining tourism accommodation to town house and condos.
It is a downward spiral that is getting faster everyday.
In a short 10 years we will have killed almost all of our tourism in favour of retirement homes.
This will kill most of our remaining retail industry. People downsizing need to get rid of stuff not buy more. That demographic does not dine out much, nor do they go to bars till the wee hours of the morning for entertainment. And once again, just look around your own neighbourhood to see, that most of those go south for the winter.
As the person who did the other post said, “commercial lease rates can not be supported with the kind of retail we have”.
So that leaves us with the only choice of relaxing restrictions on zoning, and allowing Mom & Pops to open up a little shop attached to their home.
We had lot’s of these all over the area back in the 50’s & 60’s.
Somehow we fell under the spell of “urban planning” and the need for order and structure, zoning vast areas as “residential only” or “commercial only”.

Can you just imagine how the 2 or 3 immediate neighbours would scream and stomp their feet, if a little variety store was allowed to open along Shore Lane near the entrance to Park 4 or Park 5. God forbid our “day trippers” should be encouraged to buy an ice cream or bag of potato chips.

Now I fully agree that a lot of our full time citizens and many neigbourhoods have been ignored for years. We are a small town (by any standards) so ditches and culverts are common here. They are also problematic, but the solution is not to go into huge expense by replacing them with buried service, but rather just do the required regular maintenance that part of our tax dollars is supposed to pay for.

And then let’s use some of the money the town collects for parkland dedication from builders and developers, to actually build a few parks and playgrounds.

Yes a big brand new library would be very nice. But for the near future what is needed more is a small second library in the west end of town. Doesn’t need to be fancy, just functional and more accessible to residents living out there.

We are fast becoming another Elliot Lake, in a time when many other towns are making the same mistake. It is quite possible that we may never attract a young demographic to live here, but at least we should make it easy for them to come and stay for a while.

Change the zoning back to tourism accommodation for all the areas still operating as such.
Encourage and assist those businesses to improve and upgrade.
When approving new development, ensure that corner stores and small retail is allowed every 2 blocks so things are “walkable”.
To bring back overnight visitors that do spend money, make allowance for B&B’s all over town, not just in one little corner. This would also help ensure that a good deal of the money stays with-in the local population and wealth pool!
Make our Town affordable for young people by encouraging secondary residences and lower the minimum square footage requirements on new builds.

We may never be able to afford and/or support the expense of a large modern double pad  arena, but we can afford to do major repair on out existing one, build a second outdoor ice pad, and put a roof over the existing outdoor pad.
Ask yourselves, is building concrete curbs and sidewalks on every street in Wasaga really that much more important that building up our public transport service?
I agree with the person that wrote that post, the Town had no business buying up land with tax payer money and a lot of mortgage debt, to facilitate our condo dreams.
If we want to see rapid redevelopment of our Beach 1 and Main St. area, the best way of doing that is to bust up the holdings into smaller more affordable parcels and putting them on the open market. Let’s not fall prey a 4th time to a single persons grandiose vision and sales pitch.

If we really want to buy into the former Liberal Government’s dream of intensive urbanization, then read the “Places To Grow” act and preamble carefully. When you do that you’ll see that the area along Mosely from Schoonertown to 45th St. is clearly the most ideal and suitable location for such urbanization. Leave our tourist area as a tourist area.
Now it seems, our newly elected council is enamored with the prospect of a local Casino. It will provide entertainment and recreation for our ‘ignored’ retired population. It will also kill what’s left of our tourist orientated hospitality business. They need the support of locals to carry them through the winter months. How will the compete against a subsidized Casino restaurant that sells a fish & chips dinner for $5.95 or has an all you can eat buffet for $10.95.
Next summer when the tourist come up and ask “were can we get something to eat?” we can just send them all to the casino I guess.

Finally go to the planning department website and have a look at our “active development” map and you’ll see that growth in our town is still exponential and does not need further encouragement. We do not have the infrastructure nor the funds to increase services to facilitate much more. We need to stop and do a little catch up.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Last Act of Defiance.

I admire this man greatly. Take the time to listen to "The Current" interview. I hope he gets better. I also hope he has inspired many to "wake up" as he says, and many more to pick up the torch.

Harry Leslie Smith, 95-year-old activist and podcaster, critically ill in hospital

We share similar view points, but Harry has the years and live experience to say he has lived on the other side. The world is fast returning to a time when less than 1% controlled over 905 of the wealth.
My fight against intensive urbanization of Wasaga's Beach area 1, is in part a fight against this return to serfdom. The "plan" also removes the historical ability of millions of Ontario citizens from their traditional and historic use of this natural wonder. (It belongs to the people!)

The Ontario Government "Places to Grow Act" which seeks to force urbanization on us, is as much about preserving vast lands for resource and mineral extraction, as indicated in their own verbiage.
"2.4 Minerals and Petroleum
2.4.1 Minerals and petroleum resources shall be protected for long-term use.
2.4.2 Protection of Long-Term Resource Supply Mineral mining operations and petroleum resource operations shall be identified and protected from development and activities that would preclude or hinder their expansion or continued use or which would be incompatible for reasons of public health, public safety or environmental impact. Known mineral deposits, known petroleum resources and significant areas of mineral potential shall be identified and development and activities in these resources or on adjacent lands which would preclude or hinder the establishment of new operations or access to the resources shall only be permitted if:
a) resource use would not be feasible; or
b) the proposed land use or development serves a greater long-term public interest; and
c) issues of public health, public safety and environmental impact are addressed.
2.4.4 Extraction in Prime Agricultural Areas Extraction of minerals and petroleum resources is permitted in prime agricultural areas provided that the site will be rehabilitated.
2.5 Mineral Aggregate Resources
2.5.1 Mineral aggregate resources shall be protected for long-term use and, where provincial information is available, deposits of mineral aggregate resources shall be identified.
2.5.2 Protection of Long-Term Resource Supply As much of the mineral aggregate resources as is realistically possible shall be made available as close to markets as possible. Demonstration of need for mineral aggregate resources, including any type of supply/demand analysis, shall not be required, notwithstanding the availability, designation or licensing for extraction of mineral aggregate resources locally or elsewhere. Extraction shall be undertaken in a manner which minimizes social, economic and environmental impacts. 
I was in a small way, involved in the fight against the Mega Quarry. If it was not for the people that lived on the land, took care of it and called it home, surely the quarry would have come to be. Removing people from the land is the best and easiest way to remove the obstacles of objection and protest....if no-one lived there almost no one would be greatly concerned.
As witnessed by the GM announcement, good jobs are becoming rare in Canada. The seek to "reorganize to take advantage of new manufacturing technologies", (aka, robots).
The only thing that can protect the populace from this massive change, is a return to self sufficiency. This can only be accomplished if the humble citizen has good access to land and resources. With a few acres, you can grow your own food, cut a few tree branches to craft a chair, build your own home, raise a few animals. 
This may not be everyone's ideal, but there are enough people who do like the idea, enough that a return to a "sharing economy" can sustain us!
If you have Twitter, read Harry's comments over the years. Think hard about your own future too, and that of your children and grandchildren. Where will today's actions land us in 20 or 50 years? 
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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

A new Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Council.

The election is over.
I did not win a seat on Council. I hope I did make a difference of some kind though. Hopefully people will continue to read various articles in this blog to get another perspective. Thanks to everyone.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

What I hope to Achieve.

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

George Santayana
 (16 December 1863 in Madrid, Spain – 26 September 1952 in Rome, Italy) was a philosopher, essayist, poet and novelist
Wasaga Beach was scratched out of the bush and dirt by people who rolled up their sleeves, got to work and made things happen.

Somehow in the last 20 years we have lost a lot of that energy, and are more often than not, looking for a "Rainmaker" to get us going again.

We looked for a "big developer" to re-build a downtown. 
Now we are looking to a Casino to bring jobs and new visitors.
It has been my opinion  that we have all we need here, in people, talent and resources. A few years ago I created a Facebook group to encourage that ! ....
Collingwood is doing a good job of this. Years back I offered my time to help mentor young business upstarts in the South Greorgian Bay area.
I tried to highlight the true leaders in our community, those that are the pioneer spirit and make a good example and inspire us:

I have also tried to share ideas of how we can improve our town and many aspects of it.

On a green note, I have made use of grey water systems and low energy compositing toilets.   I was one of their very first customers.

To save energy costs, at another property I installed "Time Of Use Technology".

It is my belief we have what we need to make Wasaga Beach a better place to live. We just need to get creative, energized and roll up our sleeves, just like those that built this town. That is what I hope to achieve.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Have a peek.....

   Statement of Principles.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Image result for chicken or egg first
Continuing in the series, From their side of the Table.

I had a chance to sit down with Frank Giannone and express my concerns about the Fram Development at the Main Beach area.
I had a number of questions, with input from many of the citizens I talked with over the last few months.
Question  #1,
Tourism is our biggest source of income for many in Wasaga Beach. People fear the Downtown Plan will take too much valuable space, limiting the amount of room for visitors in the high season. Have you considered higher builds with a smaller footprint?
    The planned development of Beach 2 does not impact or infringe upon the existing use of the beachfront or the boardwalk in that location. It does affect and eliminate the current use of the shaded picnic tables on the southeast side of the boardwalk; this will push those users either further west to the Provincial Park frontage, or back to the beach under cover there. However, from a tourism point of view, the impact of the development and the added residences, should be an increase in people on Beach 2 and Beach 1. More importantly, as it relates to the use of the beach or to Beach 1 amenities, this group of people will be for the most part a pedestrian group whether they are full time residents or a tourism based user.         The other aspect to discuss is parking availability on both the Beach 2 and the Main Street properties; in both cases, parking for the added residents and shops are more than adequately included, as is parking availability for public use (though less than currently 
    #2, What will be the price range for the units, what is the target market for sales of the units?
    As planned, at Beach 1, we are looking to offer four different product types. Based on current values, we see Condominium Apartments (elevatored) ranging in size from 750sf - 1300sf starting from $350,000 ($500/sf), Stacked Townhouses of about 1000sf starting at $400,000, Standard Townhouses of 2000sf at $550,000, and Beachfront Townhouses of 2200-2500sf starting at $1,000,000. At the Town Square on Main, we will have Live Work units starting at 2200sf (1500sf residential plus 700sf commercial storefront) starting at $550,000, and Standard Townhouses of 2000sf at $500,000.
    #3, Wasaga desperately wants a High School. How will this development help attract young families, so we can get the numbers needed for a High School?
     Our experience in Port Credit and Don Mills shows that our urban villages have an impact on schools in the existing neighbourhoods, and we consider both Beach 2 and the Town Square to be parts of an urban village (a pedestrian place that brings people together in a more dense form). The impact comes from the movement of existing residents into these new residential (sometimes smaller) units, and selling and vacating their existing larger home; the existing home sale provides the opportunity for families to fill these larger homes. Additionally, a strong argument can also be made that population growth in Wasaga will breed more job opportunities and thusly more family based demand. The school population will therefore eventually be affected.
    #4, StatsCan numbers show a large portion of Wasaga household income in under $38,000. How many of these units will be affordable to this population?
    Without all levels of government working together with significant investments, reliefs, and subsidies, it is not possible for the highest valued land in Wasaga to serve those with income lower than $38,000. Fram has been in the business of providing a wide range of housing over its 37 years in business, from high end to affordable rental units; including a project currently underway with Toronto Community Housing.
    #5, A large percentage of Wasaga residents are retired. It has been my observation over the last 5 years that a great many of them escape to warmer climates from November to March. This makes it difficult for Retail to be successful. I can not see your development being any different.How can you provide some kind of advantage to retailers looking to locate in your project?
    There is no doubt that many of our future retired purchasers will have multiple residences. That is no different than we experienced in Port Credit and Collingwood. Notwithstanding that some will not be at home for parts of the year, overall, there is an increased population that must be accommodated, and will look for products and services. In the first two phases, only the Town Square has commercial opportunities, and possibly future uses along the reserved lands of Mosley frontage on Beach 2. The Town Square gives potential commercial users to OWN their store, or to lease a smaller space, in a prime location.
    #6, What capital improvements to streets, water/sewer/sidewalks/lighting will Fram be paying for?
    As Fram’s internal roads are all private, Fram is responsible for those costs. The public right-of-ways through the site will be paid for by Fram. The existing sewer, water, and external road infrastructure is more than adequate to accommodate the proposed developments Notwithstanding, these two phases will be paying full municipal development charges for its planned external infrastructure.
     #7. A lot of concern was expressed over environmental issues. Personally I have reservations about the excessive use of concrete and much prefer to see permeable surfaces and the use of recycled materials like rubber tires. Can you address Low impact Development? 

    Fram has experience in, and is prepared to work with the Town to apply Low Impact Development (LID) standards.

    I would like to thank Frank Gianonne for taking the time to listen and answer to, many of my (our) concerns. We did both agree that Tourism must remain a major player in development.
     I have different ideas on how to make that happen. We both agree that one thing will lead to another, and "action gets action". Where we see the starting point is the big question. It's the old "Chicken or Egg" dilemma. 
    Do you start by building things for tourism and hope development follows? Do you think that Development will help rekindle Tourism.  Some long contemplation is needed here!

    Thursday, October 4, 2018

    What do Visitors look For?

    Anytime we look at Development we need to consider that Wasaga Beach is a "one and only" and try to insert our uniqueness into all of our new projects.

    "The quest for authenticity"

    "China has become the biggest source of tourism in the world, and a growing number of Chinese tourists have been setting out to experience overseas countries. These travelers are no longer satisfied with superficial tourist activities – instead, they’re searching for an in-depth understanding of their destinations. In other words, they want to experience authentic local lifestyles, customs and culture." Quote from:

     Let's not become just like "everywhere else"!

    Tuesday, October 2, 2018

    Recplex All Candidates Meeting
    opening remarks
    Question Period
    Question Period
    Closing Remarks

    Video with thanks from MIKE JABLONSKI

    Monday, October 1, 2018

    Wasaga Sun, candidate profile.

    Wasaga Sun, candidate profile.

    Robert Bortlisz — Wasaga Beach councillor

    Robert Bortlisz

    I'm re posting this because you now need a Torstar account to access our local stories on

    I grew up spending a lot of time in the beach. My parents moved and then retired here as did I.  
    The sandy shores and natural beauty drew people just like you and I here. We brought our energy, skills, expertise and slowly but surely built businesses, tourist attractions, cottages and homes. We grew into a town.
    Together we built a good community. Some years were better than others. We moved forward, often named as one of the fasted growing towns.
    But in the last 20 years a number of self interest groups came here telling us "we’re doing it all wrong." They come with outside experts (that often we have paid for) to convince us of this. They talk of Monaco and Miami Beach. They wanted you to sell your hydro.
    They promise “big change.” They do not value your expertise and experience.
    If we want to move forward then we have to get back to being a fun, friendly, relaxed community, where you can raise a family, do business or retire, have a garden and enjoy the natural amenities.   
    We need to stay diverse, open to all cultures, income levels and remain an affordable town where young people can find a good start in life.
    We need to make it easier to start or operate a business to create jobs and wealth. We need to get the best value of services for our tax dollars. We need to start thinking like a small tourist town again, not a big city!
    I believe if ‘we’ do things wisely, issues like a high school, better medical access, parks and recreational facilities can be tackled, improved and resolved. Prudent financial planning has worked for us in the past. Prudent financial planning will take us where we want to be in our future.
    I look for your support. 
    Let’s move forward in the right direction.
    Thank you.

    Friday, September 28, 2018

    Recently Friday Harbour was added to the list of "we can do that here". Miami Beach, Monaco etc etc. Let's be realistic. We do not have a sheltered harbour. Friday Harbour is 20 to 40 minutes away from 3 of Canada's wealthiest communities, Markham, Unionville and Vaughan. It appeals to people with big boats worth more than a condo in Wasaga. The cheapest unit they have is 533 sq ft 1 bedroom at about $350,000. Friday Harbour is more than half the distance to Toronto, away from Wasaga. Friday Harbour is close enough to it's market that owners can easily make it a round trip, day visit.

    Why do we keep trying to compete with stuff like this.

     We need to list our assets and strengths and work off of that. Then we will have a unique product. We have 20 minutes any direction wonderful things to do and see. We are the center of the world when it comes to comfy, cozy, wild, natural, scenic, colorful, adventures. Wasaga is home base for fun.

     An example of what we can market:  2 days, 1 night in any of our better motels. Breakfast at a local cafe, a trip down to Miller's Dairy, see cows milked and sample the ice cream. Then to Creemore visit the worlds smallest jail, & the log Cabin. Sample beer at Creemore springs. Then back to Blueberry Trails for afternoon snow shoeing. Dinner at Catch 22.    
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    Monday, September 24, 2018

    Voter Pin Numbers are out today.

    If you have not received them yet check with the town.
    In the mean time, I want to suggest that everyone hang on to them and keep them in a secure place. I am investigating the possibility of using a "poll feature" on the town website for important issues. I feel we can get much greater participation and better idea of a true majority input to help guide council in decision making using this method.

    Saturday, September 22, 2018

    No automatic alt text available.

      AWARE Simcoe is a citizens’ group that works for transparency and accountability in government and to protect water, the environment and health. They recently sent out a survey to all candidates on a number of issues. To date I am the only one from Wasaga that has responded. Here's the direct link:

    From that point you can visit the rest of the website to learn more about local environment issues.

    Tuesday, September 11, 2018

    Here's the Candidate Videos
    From Rogers TV cable 53.

    My speech starts a minute 17.02 there's a little slider
     on tho bottom. Whole show is about 55 minutes if you want to watch them all!

    Monday, September 10, 2018

    Health and Community

    Many of you know, I have a love affair with good food, the outdoors, and a simple life. All candidates got an email the other day from the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit. It was to encourage us to add health concerns to our platform. 
    From my perspective, it has been, long before I became a candidate. I've done many Facebook posts on affordable housing, food and gardening initiatives, walk-able communities, parks & play grounds.
    On the Subject of Doctors and walk-in Clinics, there is not much we can do, as that's under the control of higher authorities.
    What we can do is promote health fitness to reduce the need. 
    We could also put all available resources into one place like a Town web-page or printed brochure.

    Out on the campaign trail the other day, the subject of a walk in clinic came up over and over. It surprised me how many are unaware that non emergency help is just a phone call away....please share the link with your family and friends...

    Here's a couple of other links...