Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Here's the Candidate Videos
From Rogers TV cable 53.

My speech starts a minute 17.02 there's a little slider
 on tho bottom. Whole show is about 55 minutes if you want to watch them all!

1 comment:

  1. Transcript from Video: Condensed Rogers Speech.

    I would like to read the following Mission statement from our last council’s 2017 operating and capital budget.
    “Council is responsible for the delivery of municipal services to residents, businesses and tourists in a customer friendly, cost effective, creative and environmentally sensitive manner that provides opportunities for all to enjoy family life, earn a living, and pursue leisure activities.”

    I believe this to be an accurate summery of a councilor’s main obligations, to look after the public purse and make sure your tax dollars are spent wisely.
    However, that did not happen. Instead, what we have had, in the last 4 years was an endless parade of new bylaws, and attempts to make massive changes to our town.

    For the 2017 budget, virtually ever department fell short of it’s financial goals. The Town by my estimation has spent almost $6 million on the Downtown and CIP plan, but has yet to put a shovel in the ground.

    A lot of candidates are going to offer all kinds of things in their platform, that they may never be able to deliver on.
    I am only offering one thing.
    I will do my best to see that your tax dollars are spent wisely and for the benefit if the entire community. I will do what ever I can to obtain a higher standard of services, maintenance, and repairs of existing infrastructure.

    I will look after your tax dollars like they are my own because some of those dollars are my own.

    To learn more, or contact me, visit my blog at ; robertbortlisz.blogspot.com
    Thank You for your vote!
