Monday, July 2, 2018

News paper articles

 Enterprise-Bulletin March 2011 Efforts over the years to
establish garden allotments in Wasaga. 
 Enterprise-Bulletin June 2017  bit of a miss quote on the caption,
Was talking about some diversification in building styles.
Enterprise-Bulletin March 2017 Fight to save Wasaga Hydro.
Wasaga Sun July 2017
Asking Council if they will act in a benevolent and helpful way
should expropriation become necessary.

1 comment:

  1. Here's a couple of the letters I sent to Council on the issue of a possible Wasaga Hydro Sale:The first one was to tell council not to waste money on the Recplex meeting as "the Public has clearly spoke"....:Mr. Mayor and members of Council.

    I was for 30 years a consultant. Expert in my feild. It was a struggle when I first started out. I quickly learned "people do not want to pay for what they do not want to hear"!

    Business became profitable when I started to dress up my reports and avisories with pretty pictures of what is possible, glamourous ideas and lots of ego stroking.

    To protect myself and my reputation I would throw in a few hard cold facts, a few reasonable and sound suggestion and a few key eliments they should act on. These were mostly the dirty jobs, the hard jobs and the unglorious, the stuff I know is against many peoples insticts to do!

    We have In Wasaga Beach a vast wealth of people in all sorts of disciplines, a parametic who knows how to save things, a plumber who knows how to keep thing flowing. We have an economist that knows when things make good sence and a few farmers that know how to make things grow!

    We have school teachers that show young mind how to think, we have electricians who know how to make things tick. We have business people who know how to pinch a penny and make a profit.
    We have philosophers, lawyers, doctors, heck we even have a few that have many years experience with local and provincial hydro utilities. The list is so long this could very we be a Guiness Book of Records for "Think Tanks".

    Over eight thousand! Each and every one of those eight thousand are experts in their feild! Each and every one of those eight thousand are telling you that selling Wasaga Hydro is a very bad idea. The advise comes from careful thought and the heart, not from self or special interest or possibilty of a quick winfall. Each and every one of those eight thousand are telling you that it's about time you sit up and listen!
    The Second is After the (expensive) RecPlex Public meeting......
    Hydro Meeting

    Congratulations to the Mayor and members of Council.
    Despite my original objections to Wednesday night’s info session on Hydro at the RecPlex, I must admit is was very informative.
    I found out that the citizens of Wasaga were well informed, asked smart questions and made statements that often showed more intelligence than the panel of experts.

    The former Mayor for Norfolk, presented with a question on public reaction in his community, added the comment to his response “that sometimes Council has to make tough decisions even if they are unpopular”!
    This angered a lot of proud Canadians, as we were all taught in school that Canada is a true Democracy. It left many of us with the feeling that some politicians think they are elected as Dictator for their term.

    If the intent of the evening was to convince the undecided about a possible sale of WDI, you achieved that in spades. After the meeting every “undecided” person I talked to was now convinced not to sell at any price!

    Job well done!
    Robert Bortlisz
