Part of the agenda is to move an even greater percentage of the population into large urban centers.
The concept is this will allow larger land masses to heal themselves.
The failure in this notion is as history shows, great urban centers need even greater non renewable resources. A lot of concrete and iron.
In order to achieve the desired density, they must first year down huge tracts of established neighborhoods and rebuild.
These higher densities produce an awful lot of waste.
Huge masses of land and great bodies of water will be needed to digest this.
A hundred years ago when much of North America was rural, there were many small releases of waste, and the land Sun and microbes could deal with it.
But there is a tipping point, too much and the system gets overwhelmed and collapses.
The other problem is scholarly models all predict that in 40 years the world's population will platue and start declining. Global birth rates have been steadily declining in the last 60 years.
Hind sight will show that one or several unforseen events will knock over the apple cart.
The Black Swan effect.
Mega food producers will have a harder and harder time keeping up with demand.
The general population will become more and more angered.
Many will try to escape urbanization back to the country side to find or grow their own food.
You will get vigilanty groups and or benevolent warriors, much like Robin Hood and his band of merry outlaws.
Because land ownership has been reduced into the hands of the 1%, there will be revolts as people try to lay claim to any small portion.
This whole scenario has played out many times in the world's history.
The other side of the coin is that all of the worlds longest surviving cultures are the ones that are primarily agregarin societies.
These cultures understand how much the land can provide and rarely have great desires for material goods.
A human must start to realize that no matter how clever they are, they are still part of the animal kingdom and part of nature.
Nature has a great ability to get rid of those parts that become too clever or successful for their own good.
The following are some supporting links that are a must read. Copy and paste links in browser on new tab.

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