Paper currency is nothing more than an "I owe you" (I.O.U.) note.
The Mafia call that a "marker".
Before 1971 paper money was an "I.O.U." for a specific amount of gold.
An international agreement was reached, spearheaded by groups like the Rothschild, Bilderberg Group and the former version of the WEF, the "European Management Forum".
Because metals have real value and use, they were ideal for trade.
But rather than pay you in real metals, for your goods or labour, you were given this piece of paper (I.O.U.) that you could pass on.
Eventually many of these I.O.U.'s would pass to the government or bank as tax or interest.
They and only they could cash them in for the Gold or Silver.
In 2011 when Chavez demanded the return of Venezuela's gold, the western world started a defacto war against the country.
Now here is were it gets interesting.
If you read the babblings of Schwab and his 4th industrial revolution, you realize they want to do away with money entirely.
Replaced by "social credits".
This is a system used by slave owners,... work hard and do what the master says, and you will get food and clothing.
Piss off the master and you will go without for a few days.
Now you have to consider that oil, fertilizer, carbon, food, farming, industry, all will be needed for millennia to come.
Regardless of robotics and artificial intelligence, oil will be needed.
The concept of the 4th industrial revolution is that oil must be preserved for use only by those best suited to make the most of it.
They only way to accomplish that is to restrict the masses.
15 minute cities.
Limiting cars and travel.
Coerced medical procedures.
Digital I.D.'s
Monitoring of media and censorship.
Removal of Populus organizations like churches and religion.
Removal of identity and culture.
Removal of family farms in favour of large scale robotic farming with precise fertilizer inputs.
This cost millions of dollars and only the ultra wealthy can afford it.
So one day soon, money will be obsolete except amongst the ultra wealthy.
They still need a marker for their business dealings.
They will still do their accounting in Dollars or Euros.
You and I will be paid in "social credits" and allowed to exist.
If you think you are safe because you have lots of money, think again.
If it is paper under your mattress than a stroke of the legislative pen can declare it null and void.
If you have it in the bank, then it is already digital and under the "authorities" control.